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FREEWARE: Radical And Extreme Algorithmz Voice Stress Analyzer Tool FAQ "How can you tell when a politician is lying?
His lips move!" -- Max Headroom
What is it?
Prevaricator v1.0 is a combination Voice Stress Analyzer and WAV file media player which performs realtime spectral frequency analysis on the playback of audio data. It is the software approximation of the "Lie Detector" novelty items sold in specialty stores. It incorporates standard media player controls PLAY/PAUSE/STOP/RECORD. Playback displays spectral frequency in realtime graph.How do I install it?Requirements: WIN95/98/NT
Oddly enough, observed reports are that it works with with non-English languages as well:
ArabicOthers? Please let me know!
Klingon (recorded from Star Trek Next Generation -- Great acting!)
The executable, once unzipped, may be stored and run from any directory. It is recommended that it be stored in a directory such as:How do I use it?
C:/program files/prevaricator
As each word is played back, the realtime graph is updated to reflect the stress patterns present in the word just spoken. A variance means that there is a shift in the lower audio frequency of the speakers voice. This is typically associated with strong emotion. You should consider what is being said in the context in which it is being said in order to determine the truth. It could be anger, fear, pride, or guilt. The real-analyzer is YOUR MIND, and you needn't have all the facts to draw a picture.Problems?
How do I install it into my browser?
Symptom: The Prevaricator repeats audio in continuous loop.
Typically experienced on Win'98, AMD processor systems.Answer:
Incompatibility is resolved in current download.
Symptom: The Prevaricator application window is malformed (ie, stretches from top-to-bottom of monitor)
Older WIN'95 incompatibility is resolved in current download.
Symptom: Prevaricator runs out of memory in 7 1/2 minutes of recording (roughly 10-14meg).
Recording is done in-memory and subject to limits of your system. The Windows O/S 'realloc' system call is very inefficient. Playback is not affected, I've successfully analyzed 3hours worth of data read in via file on a 190mb system.
Symptom: Prevaricator pauses after file read.
This is normal. Fourier Analysis (ie, compute-work) occurs immediately after reading a file. It requires 1 second for every 10 seconds of audio data. The previously mentioned 3 hour audio data took 15 minutes to analyze. For typical audio data-files the pauses is minor.
Symptom: Prevaricator displays flat-line or no data line after recording, or file-playback.
Volume is too low. Try boosting it. Remember, the program is deriving sub-sonic (6-16hz) tones from what is otherwise the human audible spectrum (20-20000hz).
Symptom: Prevaricator distorts 8-bit audio while up-converting to 16-bit audio.
Corrected in current download.
1. Check the current player application assigned to .WAV filesA. Select Windows START and scroll to SETTINGS-->FOLDER OPTIONS2. Update your browser:
B. From the FOLDER OPTIONS Window, select the FILE_TYPES tab
C. Scroll down to registered type WAV
D. Select WAV and push the EDIT Button
E. In the Actions window select OPEN and push EDIT
F. Write down the application path/name specified and any parameters
(Typically this is sndrec32 or mplayer)
G. Select CANCEL to close each of the windows opened so far.Netscape:4.xA. Start NETSCAPEInternet Explorer:4.x
B. Select the menu options EDIT-->PREFERENCES
C. Expand the tree-list: Navigator-->Applications
D. Scroll down to and select WAV
E. If the EDIT button is greyed it means a DLL file is presenta. Press the NEW button
F. If the EDIT button was NOT greyed out
b. Provide the following information as requested:Description of type: WAV
c. Use the BROWSE Button to select PREVARICATOR.EXE where you stored it
File Extention: WAV
MIME Type: audio
d. add the following to the end of the application to use:%1
So the line looks something like
c:/program files/prevaricator/prevaricator.exe %1
The %1 represents the cached filename passed to the program.
e. Select OK to close each of the windows opened so fara. Push the EDIT button
b. Use the BROWSE Button to select PREVARICATOR.EXE where you stored it
c. Select OK to close each of the windows opened so far
A. Select Windows START and scroll to SETTINGS-->FOLDER OPTIONS
B. From the FOLDER OPTIONS Window, select the FILE_TYPES tab
C. Scroll down to registered type WAV
D. Select WAV and push the EDIT Button
E. In the Actions window select OPEN and push EDIT
F. Use the BROWSE Button to select PREVARICATOR.EXE where you stored it
G. Select OK to close each of the windows opened so far.
To deassign this program
as a Browser Application
Netscape:4.xA. Start NETSCAPEInternet Explorer:4.x
B. Select the menu options EDIT-->PREFERENCES
C. Expand the tree-list: Navigator-->Applications
D. Scroll down to and select WAV
F. If you replaced a previous helper-appa. Push the EDIT buttonG. If you had created a NEW entry for this helper-app
b. Re-type the line from step (1.F) Above
You did copy it didn't you?
if you didn't use BROWSE to select sndrec32 or mplayer from the /windows directory
and don't forget to add %1 to the end!
c. Select OK to close each of the windows opened so far
(Meaning that DLL helper-apps already exist)a. Press remove to remove the entry that you made.
Prior DLL drivers should still be present.
b. Select OK to close each of the windows opened so farA. Select Windows START and scroll to SETTINGS-->FOLDER OPTIONS
B. From the FOLDER OPTIONS Window, select the FILE_TYPES tab
C. Scroll down to registered type WAV
D. Select WAV and push the EDIT Button
E. In the Actions window select OPEN and push EDIT
F. Re-type the line from step (1.F) Above
You did copy it didn't you?
if you didn't use BROWSE to select sndrec32 or mplayer from the /windows directory
G. Select OK to close each of the windows opened so far.